James Cruickshank, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, ARES Animal Facility, Cambridge
Where there are no suitable alternatives, LMB scientists use mice and rats in their research, to understand biological processes at the molecular level, with the aim of tackling major problems in human health including identifying new therapies and cures. LMB animal technologists maintain state of the art facilities to house breeding and experimental colonies of rodents. The successful students will work in the ARES animal facility, joining our teams to primarily look after the care and welfare of our mouse colonies. Whilst there will be opportunities to learn about different roles (production of oocytes and blastocysts and their subsequent microinjection to produce new genetically modified mouse strains, cryopreservation of gametes, mouse disease models and genotyping), the majority of the position will involve animal husbandry (health checking, stock management, and cage cleaning). Students will need to find their own accommodation and be expected to present their findings orally at a research day in York in September 2025. Owing to the nature of this position, any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory security screening.