Artificial intelligence (AI) decision support tools for local food systems

FUNDING: 10 weeks (full time, 37 hrs per week, £12.60 per hour, £500 student accommodation bursary)
Featured image for “Artificial intelligence (AI) decision support tools for local food systems”

Prof. Phil Garnett, School Business and Society, York

Applications are now closed
Application Form

Decision support tools are becoming increasingly integrated with artificial intelligence technologies to improve our decision making processes. Going beyond simple dashboards that integrate and present data, AI technologies are intended to be able to suggest strategies or do other more complex forms of reasoning. One area where this might be of particular benefit is in support of local food systems, particularly procurement and other supply chain activities. Being able to easily understand local and regional food systems to enable better regional utilisation of food produce could have a number of sustainability benefits, including reduction of food waste, cost reductions, and reduced carbon production. This FixOur Food project will conduct a detailed horizon scanning activity to develop a clearer understanding of what AI tools exist that could be used in local food systems. This may increase the efficiency of local food systems, and enable more locally produced food to be consumed in the region. Such tools may also provide better monitoring capacity, enabling local authorities and other stakeholders to better understand local and regional vulnerabilities. Students will need to find their own accommodation and be expected to present their findings orally at a research day in York in September 2025.