Understanding the value of community food programmes

FUNDING: 10 weeks (full time, 37 hrs per week, £12.60 per hour, £500 student accommodation bursary)
Featured image for “Understanding the value of community food programmes”

Prof. Bob Doherty, School Business and Society, York

Applications are now closed
Application Form

The growth of community food organisations in the past decade means around 4,200 UK entities, distributing ~65,000+ tonnes of surplus food every year. There is also an increasing volume of fresh produce being distributed. A recent Food Standards Agency report on food safety for community cooking and food banks provides hygiene and allergy advice for meal preparation. This document is an excellent platform to build from and this project will work with one of the largest distributors of food to the community, FairShare Yorkshire. The project will evaluate the adoption of the guide and how awareness can be raised across the community food network. The student will be part of the FairShare team and will be supported to develop a series of research questions, gaining essential research skills including data analysis, critical thinking, academic and policy writing. Support will be given to formulate the research question and evaluate the pilot questions by incorporating our existing FSA data. There will be regular contact with the teams at the FSA and FixOurFood and shadowing opportunities.  Students will need to find their own accommodation and be expected to present their findings orally at a research day in York in September 2025