Using genetically altered mice to understand human disease

FUNDING: Two positions at 10 weeks (full time 36 hours per week, £13.67 per hour, contribution to accommodation costs)
Featured image for “Using genetically altered mice to understand human disease”
LOCATION: Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK

Dr. Sara Wells, Mary Lyon Centre, MRC, Harwell

Applications are now closed
Application Form

The Mary Lyon Centre, funded by the Medical Research Council in Harwell, is the UKs flagship facility for the creation, breeding, phenotyping, and strain archiving of clinically-relevant genetically modified mouse models of disease. Many of the models developed and characterised by animal technologists and scientists at the Centre have played crucial roles in understanding new aspects of immunology, haematology, cancer biology, and in neurodegenerative disease. This amazing legacy has continued with the involvement of Mary Lyon staff in the Mouse Genetics Network, which aims to generate novel mouse models of disease, bringing together teams of scientists from across the UK. The student will join the group involved in phenotyping and monitoring, and will also have the opportunity to learn computational skills, taking part in work developing novel ways of refining animal research in this world class facility. Students will need to find their own accommodation and be expected to present their findings orally at a research day in York in September 2025. Owing to the nature of this position, any offer of employment will be subject to satisfactory security screening.